Weight Loss Blog

Weight loss tips
While dieting and exercising are the two main things you need to do to lose weight – or more specifically fat – there are several things you can do that will enhance your weight loss efforts. Use these tips to help you get better results from your diet and exercise...

Weight loss smoothies
One of the more effective ways to lose weight is drinking a weight loss smoothie in place of one or several of your regular meals. While you can buy commercially-made weight loss smoothies, these are often packed with low quality ingredients, artificial additives and...

How many calories should I eat?
Food, as I’m sure you know, contains energy and that energy is measured in calories. A calorie is a unit of heat and is the amount required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree centigrade. Calories are a bit of an old-fashioned unit of...

How to lose weight fast
Lots of people are in a real hurry to lose weight which is kind of ironic when you consider that it often takes many years to get fat in the first place. Slow and steady is generally the best way to lose weight because losing weight too fast may trigger something...

Deadlifts for a better butt
Look around most gyms and inevitably you’ll see many women and some men working on their butts. A flat, flaccid but is not something many of us want hence the popularity of workouts like Bums, Legs and Tums classes (BLT for short) and exercise machines designed to...

Why women should weight train
Go into most gyms and you’ll see a clear divide between male and female exercisers. Most guys tend to spend the majority of their time lifting weights while the ladies are more likely to be found in the aerobics studio doing group exercise classes or on the cardio...

How to motivate yourself
While I can tell you all the reasons I think you should lose weight and get fit, if you are unable to motivate yourself from within, you probably won’t make much weight loss or fitness progress. Instead of getting in shape for me, look for ways to motivate yourself...

Benefits of boot camp workouts
Are you bored of the gym, lack motivation, just going through the motions when you exercise or not getting the results you desire? Or do you just want to try a new and exciting workout? If so, fitness boot camp workouts could be just the thing you are looking for....

Weight loss motivation
Are you finding it hard to stay motivated to exercise, eat right and lose weight? If so, you are not alone. A lot of exercisers and dieters suffer from occasional or even permanent lapses in motivation. Without sufficient motivation, you are very unlikely to reach...

Fix your posture
Posture is the term used to describe the alignment of your joints. In simple terms, posture can be good or bad but as posture refers to pretty much every joint in your body, it’s actually a little more complicated than this. Bad posture can interfere with digestion,...

How to beat back pain
A very large percentage of the population will suffer from back pain at least once in their lifetime. Back pain can range from mildly annoying to severely debilitating and is, in many cases, also avoidable. If you suffer back pain, make sure you seek medical advice...

Weight loss nutrition tips
Are you tired of wading through long, complicated articles about weight loss and fat burning? Me too! Instead, here are TEN simple-to-use weight loss tips that’ll help you reach your target weight in double-quick time. Eat fewer starchy carbs Carbs are an...

How to be consistent with your exercise program
There are lots of “rules” when it comes to exercise that are designed to ensure that you get results from your workout. For example, overload means challenging your body to adapt by doing ever more intense workouts while specificity means choosing workouts and...

The best exercises for building bigger arms
Whether you are a bodybuilder, an athlete, or just a guy or girl wanting to look your best in short-sleeves, bigger arms are often what you need. Okay, so that might not be always true for women but most guys really want bigger arms and a few women do too! When...

Bodyweight exercises for excuse-free workouts
Excuses are little more than justifications we make for not doing something we know we should do. As kids, we used excuses for not doing our homework – my dog ate my homework being an all-time classic. As adults, we often use lack of time as an excuse for not...

How to handle social occasions
If you are dieting hard or training for a specific fitness or performance goal, social occasions can cause you to veer off the straight and narrow path and interfere with your results. If you are able to practice moderation then this is no big deal but if you are the...

Why you need intensity in your workouts to get results
How many times have you read or heard about an easy way to lose weight or get in shape? How often have you seen the words simple, fast or effortless associated with an exercise, program or diet? All you have to do is type “easy fat loss” into Google and you’ll see...

No more excuses – there is no such word as “can’t”
How many times have you bailed on your workout or broken your diet? I bet it’s more than a few! I also bet you had a perfect excuse that allowed you to justify your behaviour too. Making excuses is easy – all you have to say is you can’t. Can’t find time to work out,...

Sprint yourself slim
When it comes to losing weight, most people turn to cardio in an effort to burn fat, expend calories and shed unwanted pounds. In many ways, this makes a certain amount of sense because aerobic activities like jogging, cycling and rowing as well as exercise...

How to get six-pack abs
In this step by step guide, I will reveal the tricks to getting a six pack of your very own – just in time for the summer! A well-defined six-pack is one of the most sought after fitness goals but it’s not easy to obtain. Some exercisers never really get what...

What you need to know about sports drinks
When it comes to sports drinks, there are a huge number of different products on the market to choose from, each one promising to increase your performance, fight off fatigue or help you recover from training faster. In this article I will explain the main types of...

You don’t know squat – learn all about the king of exercises
Squats, especially barbell squats, are often referred to as the King of exercises. Why? It really depends on who you talk to! For some, squats are the King because they are probably the most functional exercise you can perform. Sitting down to read this article, you...

Top SIX kettlebell exercises
Looking not unlike cannonballs with handles, kettlebells are a fun and functional exercise tool. They’ve been around for hundreds of years and have been hovering in the background of fitness training since the early 20th century but, in the last few years or so,...

Don’t believe the hype – common muscle-building myths
There are lots of myths surrounding exercise, fat loss and muscle building. Myths are often based on something called “bro-science” which means they started or are spread by the guys in the gym who say “Hey bro – you gotta try this!” Other myths come from companies...

Why lack of sleep is making you fat
Ask anyone the best way to lose weight and, inevitably, they’ll tell you to watch what you eat and get some exercise. As valuable as this advice is, there is more to losing weight than what you do at the gym or the kitchen. Somewhat ironically, one of the most...

Five foods for faster fat loss
Let me tell you a secret – when it comes to losing fat, there are no quick fixes, miracle cures or magic diets or magic diet pills; you simply need to eat less, eat more healthily and move more. It takes time and perseverance to lose fat and get fit – but you knew...

Bullshit – just say no!
Bullshit - just say no! Bullshit is everywhere although, sometimes, it can be hard to spot until you have stepped in it! Advertisers and marketers use bullshit to convince us to buy things we really don’t need. Politicians bullshit us to make us believe that...

How to lose weight
How to lose weight A great many people want (or need) to lose weight but very few actually manage to lose it or keep it off for good. For a large percentage of the weight loss population, losing weight is some kind of impossible dream. Avoid frustration and...

25 Tips to Help you Lose Weight
A great many people want (or need) to lose weight but very few actually manage to lose it or keep it off for good. For a large percentage of the weight loss population, losing weight is some kind of impossible dream. Avoid frustration and failure by following these...

Is Cereal Making You Fat?
Is Cereal Making You Fat? Breakfast is the first meal of the day and is an important meal this meal sets you up to how you will perform for the rest of the day physically and mentally. So if you are eating Breakfast in the morning and that breakfast consists of a...

What Strength Training Does to Your Body
What Strength Training Does to Your Body You don’t see many people with great, muscular bodies who are shy or unsure of themselves. People who partake in strength training are usually more energetic and more confident about themselves. They feel less stress and...

Top FIVE Kettlebell Exercises
Looking not unlike cannonballs with handles, kettlebells are a fun and functional exercise tool. They’ve been around for hundreds of years and have been hovering in the background of fitness training since the early 20th century but, in the last few years or so,...

Is Your Self-Image Hurting Your Results?
Is Your Self-Image Hurting Your Results? Losing fat, getting fit, building muscle and improving performance should all be rewarding, empowering and even enjoyable pursuits. Okay, for some people the hard work associated with doing great things to your body and health...

Fitness Past 40 – Fitness Tips For The Older Exerciser
For many people, hitting forty is a fitness wake up call – it’s official mid-life crisis time! Middle age spread starts to make its presence known, muscle mass begins to decrease and suddenly, activities that used to be easy begin to feel a bit more demanding. The...

Bodybuilding Tips
When you are training and you are not getting any closer to your goal of putting on size lets look at possibly why? There are 3 body types and no one is entirely one shape, you have: Ectomorph: short upper body, long arms and legs, very little fat storage. And...

Weight Loss Motivation
Are you finding it hard to stay motivated to exercise, eat right and lose weight? If so, you are not alone. A lot of exercisers and dieters suffer from occasional or even permanent lapses in motivation. Without sufficient motivation, you are very unlikely to reach...

Squats For Bigger Legs And Butt
Squats, especially barbell squats, are often referred to as the King of exercises. Why? It really depends on who you talk to! For some, squats are the King because they are probably the most functional exercise you can perform. Sitting down to read this article, you...

Waist Circumference And Heart Health Issues
Waist Circumference And Heart Health Issues Ask most people why they exercise and/or diet and inevitably they’ll tell you they want to lose weight. Wrapped up in this answer is also the desire to change their body shape, get fit and improve their health. However,...

How To Lose Belly Fat
In this step by step guide, I will reveal the tricks to How To Lose Belly Fat your very own – just in time for the summer! A well-defined six-pack is one of the most sought after fitness goals but it’s not easy to obtain. Some exercisers never really get what they...

A personal trainer can get you amazing results…
And give you a big lift and drive and motivation that maybe you are lacking in your own workouts and can give you that extra 30%-50% extra push that you cant yourself. Can keep you accountable and goal focused. 1. Are they certified? It can take sometimes 8 weeks to...

Bodyweight Exercises For Excuse-Free Workouts
Excuses are little more than justifications we make for not doing something we know we should do. As kids, we used excuses for not doing our homework – my dog ate my homework being an all-time classic. As adults, we often use lack of time as an excuse for not...