How I Work With Clients



Before you enter the gym we need to assess where you are now, so that I can design a program that will get you from here to the new you.

So our first session together is an in-depth assessment where we analyze your current lifestyle, health and fitness. Here are some of the things we consider:

Body type

We all have different genes and body shapes. Your body type affects how easily you will gain muscle and lose weight, and the type of exercise that will benefit you the most.

Exercise history

Looking at your previous training and sports activities can provide valuable clues to the type of exercise that will be most effective (and enjoyable) for you.


We need to be sure you are not carrying an injury that could be aggravate by training. I help a lot of clients overcome common aches and pains such as lower back pain, shoulder pain, poor posture and stiffness. For more serious injuries, I don’t do rehab work, but I work with an excellent physiotherapist who can help you with your recovery.

I understand the temptation to train with an injury – training can become addictive, especially when you see the results. But nothing concerns me more than seeing someone with an injury who puts off getting treatment from a professional. The sooner you get it sorted, the better.

Diet and lifestyle

What you put in your body will have a huge impact on the results of your training. So we need to make a clear and honest assessment of your current diet and lifestyle factors such as drinking alcohol or smoking. We will do this via an app to calculate where your macronutrients sit as well as where your calories are potentially causing you problems and can be a great way of teaching you the know how of how foods are affecting your body.

Food intolerances

Food allergies or intolerances can really interfere with weight loss or muscle gain. Some common culprits include nuts, coffee, and (believe it or not) tomatoes. I work with a doctor who is qualified to diagnose food intolerances: if I suspect you may be affected, I will refer you for a further assessment.

Other health issues

Other common health issues that can undermine training include adrenal and thyroid problems, parasites and leaky gut. Again, I will refer you for assessment by a doctor if I suspect one of these issues.

Attitude to exercise

The way you think about exercise, diet, and your fitness goals is the key to your success or failure. We assess your mindset so that you can avoid some common mental obstacles, and stay motivated to stick with your program and get the results you want. If you’re scared of getting on the scales or refuse to count your calories it can be a bad for your results working on the WHY you have these potential stoppages could move you at a greater pace towards your goals.


This is where the rubber hits the road! provide specific programs for different goals:

All of these programs have the following principles common:


All programmes are planned out in advance, this is called Peridized! It gives us a clear path where you are headed with your training, and how you will get there.


The first phase of training is called Accumulation. At this stage we use lighter weights with higher reps. This allows you to perfect your technique, build muscle and also build your confidence in using the equipment and teach you to stabilize certain muscle groups.


The next phase of training is where you intensify your efforts and lift as heavy as you can. You also have shorter rest periods. And we focus on developing maximum strength. Via compound exercises like deadlifts, squats and chin ups, you will stimulate muscle growth, lose fat and develop your strength.

Continuous development

Developing your program during different training phases makes sure that there is no plateauing or overuse of certain body parts. Depending on a client’s individual needs, programs are adjusted in 3, 4 or 6 week blocks.


What gets measured gets improved. And there’s nothing that will boost your motivation more than seeing visible, measurable results from your hard work. Here are some of the ways I help you track your progress:

Recording weights

Every time you work out with me I record the weights you lifted and the number of reps completed. This ensures your muscles are not plateauing and that there is also a continuous supply of stimulus to the muscles for continuous improvement.

Caliper testing

Calipers measure skin folds to assess levels of body fat. I use regular caliper testing to help you see the results of your training in black and white.

Before and after photos

Every 4-6 weeks we record your progress with a photo; this is a great way to celebrate your progress and give you the extra motivation you need to keep going (or work harder!).

Dexa scan

Every 8-12 weeks I recommend you go for a Dexa Scan, which measures your body composition, in terms of muscle mass, fat and bone density. This is much more accurate than we can achieve with caliper testing, and gives you a very clear indicator of your progress.