by Dinny Morris | Feb 11, 2017 | Dinnys Blog
A very large percentage of the population will suffer from back pain at least once in their lifetime. Back pain can range from mildly annoying to severely debilitating and is, in many cases, also avoidable. If you suffer back pain, make sure you seek medical advice and treatment however, if you want to avoid back pain in the first place, follow the advice in this article…
Sort out your posture
Posture refers to the alignment of your joints – especially your spine. Your spine has several curves that help absorb shock and dissipate stress and if any of these curves increase or decrease beyond the norm, your spine is exposed to more stress than it is capable of supporting and back pain can be the result. Becoming more posturally aware goes a long way to preventing back pain so make sure you sit and stand up straight and seek advice on how to develop better posture.
Lose weight
Strapping a 10kg weight to your front just for fun might sound ridiculous but that’s exactly what lots of overweight people do. And what has to work extra hard to support that weight? Yep – your lower back. Abdominal fat adversely affects posture while placing an inordinate load on the lower back which is a combination for severe and very avoidable back pain. Losing weight can have a profound effect on lower back pain and health generally so maybe today is the day to start your diet and exercise routine?
Sit less, stand more
Sitting down for prolonged periods of time is arguably the worst thing you can do for your lower back. Sitting down plays havoc with your posture, shortens the muscles in the front of your hips and abdomen and deactivates your deep core muscles – the ones that help support your spine from within. Many of us spend eight or more hours sat down and this is a major cause of back pain. Consider investing in a standing work station and also try to break up long periods of sitting with brief walks or even just standing up whenever you get the chance. Finally, make sure your workstation is set up properly to minimize workplace-related back pain.
Learn to lift properly
Lifting heavy objects is a safe and even healthy activity providing your do it properly. Too many people make the mistake of trying to lift things with their lower back and arms when, in fact, the safest way to lift anything, heavy or otherwise, is by using your legs. Your legs are obviously much stronger than your arms so it really pays to use them for lifting. Whenever you lift anything heavy, make sure you keep your chest up and your lower back slightly arched. Keep the object close to you to reduce leverage on your back and be prepared to ask for assistance if the object is too heavy to lift safely on your own.

Your spine is made up from 33 vertebrae, many of which are separated by intervertebral discs which are liquid-filled cushions that absorb shock and control how much movement is available at each buy herbal ambien joint. Ideally, these discs should be well-hydrated and plump to maximize their shock absorbing abilities and ensure that the space between the vertebrae is optimal. However, dehydration can reduce this space and that can lead to otherwise avoidable back pain. Make sure you drink at least one to two litres of water a day to maintain hydration levels. Interestingly, a large percentage of back pain is in fact kidney pain caused by dehydration so there’s another back-related reason to drink plenty of water.
Strengthen your core
Core is the common term for the muscles that surround and support your spine. These muscles act like an old-fashioned corset or weight training belt as they squeeze in to produce something called intra-abdominal pressure which bolsters your spine from within. Like any muscles, the core responds to exercise by getting stronger and as a strong core is inextricably linked to a reduction in back pain, it pays to keep these muscles in good shape. Forget crunches and sit-ups for core strength and reduced back pain – they can actually cause more problems than they fix. Instead, focus on things like planks, Pallof presses, dead bugs, horse stance or bird dog’s and other exercises that promote optimal posture during exercise.
Stretch and mobilize
Tight abs, hamstrings and hip flexors can have a very detrimental effect on your lower back as they can pull your pelvis out of proper alignment and destroy your lumbar curve. Additionally, long periods of inactivity can de-activate your core and cause your whole spine to stiffen up. To prevent these sorts of problems, make sure you stretch your hamstrings, abs and hip flexors often and mobilize your spine whenever you feel you have been in the same position for too long. One effective way to mobilize your spine is to adopt the all-fours position on your hands and knees and alternately hump and hollow your back. This will help increase blood flow around the area of your lower back and also prevent stiffening up. Also learn about the benefits of foam rolling and find a great masseuse who can get into certain areas of muscles that can release and relieve tight spots.

Some back pain issues are all but unavoidable – say you suffer a fall or are involved in a car accident for example. However, keeping your core strong and otherwise looking after your spine can go a very long way to reducing your incidence of otherwise avoidable back pain. Back pain can make sitting, standing, walking and even lying down very uncomfortable so look after yourself to avoid debilitating back pain.
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
by Dinny Morris | Feb 11, 2017 | Dinnys Blog
Are you tired of wading through long, complicated articles about weight loss and fat burning? Me too! Instead, here are TEN simple-to-use weight loss tips that’ll help you reach your target weight in double-quick time.
Eat fewer starchy carbs
Carbs are an essential food group that provide your body with energy for exercise and other demanding physical activities but while most mainstream diets are based around starchy carbs, too many carbs can interfere with fat loss – especially if you lead a predominately sedentary life. The less physical activity you do, the fewer carbs you need so start swapping bread, rice, potatoes and pasta for vegetables and you’ll soon be enjoying the benefit of easier, faster fat loss.
Starchy carbs also increase your insulin production. Insulin is a hormone that helps ferry nutrients out of your blood and into your muscle and liver cells but it also interferes with fat burning. Reducing your starchy carb intake and eliminating sugar from your diet can help control your insulin levels which will only enhance fat loss.
Eat more protein
Protein has a high thermal effect which simply means eating foods like eggs, chicken, fish and meat will increase the thermic activity in your body which, in turn, elevates your metabolic rate. The thermal effect of protein is rated at around 20 to 30 percent which means that for every 100 grams of protein you eat, 20 to 30 percent of the total energy provided is used in the break down and digestion of the food being eaten. Combining protein with vegetables is the perfect recipe for faster weight loss.
Cut out sugar
Sugar is fat free but that doesn’t mean it won’t harm your fat burning efforts. Sugar contains no nutrients, is very energy dense, encourages overeating, messes with your insulin levels and is mildly to moderately addictive – one candy bar is never enough. Cutting sugar from your diet is arguably the most effective way to maximize fat burning.
Move your body
Unless you like being hungry, you’ll need to combine a sensible reduction in food intake with an increase in physical activity. Exercise uses energy and if you are eating less than you need to sustain your weight, this energy shortfall will be met by your fat stores. Ideally, you should be physically active most days of the week but this doesn’t necessarily mean you should exercise every day. Exercise is important but it needs to be intense enough to be beneficial so that means you are probably limited to four or five workouts a week. However, you can walk every day, cycle for transport or pleasure, play with your kids or otherwise get up and off your butt and move around more; more physical activity means greater fat loss.

Avoid fad diets
Fad diets can seem like a great idea because they promise easy or very fast fat loss. However, the truth is, very few fad diets ever deliver on these promises. Fad diets are generally too restrictive, too strict, unpleasant, unbalanced and unhealthy and you’ll probably quit them within a few days or weeks. Even if you are able to put up with eating, for example, nothing but lettuce and grilled chicken three times a day, such an energy-restrictive diet can significantly slow your metabolic rate and actually result in fat gain and not fat loss. Fad diets are doomed to failure from the outset so just forget ‘em!
Exercise on an empty stomach
Exercising on an empty stomach means you are more likely to preferentially burn fat. Low intensity exercise like walking and cycling are best as intense exercise like sprinting or lifting weights can be hard with low levels of blood glucose. Just 20 or 30 minutes of fasted cardio can be enough to burn a significant amount of fat.
Drink black coffee before working out
Following on from the previous point, exercising on an empty stomach is a great way to burn more fat but can be hard as your energy levels may be low – especially early in the morning. However, a cup of strong black coffee will deliver an energy boost in the form of caffeine that will give you all the energy you need to get through your workout. Caffeine is also a lipotropic agent which simply means it helps you to mobilise fat making it easier to burn for energy. All in all, coffee before exercise makes perfect sense as it will help you exercise harder and longer while burning fat more efficiently.
Drink water before eating
Drink 500ml of water 30 minutes before meals to partially fill your stomach so you feel satisfied sooner and will eat less. Water expands your stomach which sends a message to your brain to say it’s full. Water itself is calorie-free, is an effective detoxifier and helps keep your fat furnaces burning so drinking more water is always a good idea. Aim for around two to three litres spread throughout the day. However, if you know that you have low digestion acid then don’t drink water as this can slow your digesting down by diluting your already low amounts of digestion acid.
Eat more fibre
Fibre is the indigestible part of vegetables, fruits and grains and is not just very good for your digestive system, it is also a highly beneficial fat-fighting food. Fibre is calorie-free, stays in your stomach for a long time which makes you feel fuller for longer, helps stabilize your blood glucose leading to stable energy levels and fibrous foods are bulky and take longer to eat than non-fibrous foods. Increase your fibre intake by eating lots of vegetables with their skins on, some fruit, and moderate amounts of whole grains. In addition to being a good weight loss food, fibre is also important for maintaining the health of your gastrointestinal tract. Healthy and a good fat fighter – what’s not to like?

Eat healthy fats
Fat is very energy dense and a gram of fat contains over twice the calories of a gram of protein or carbs BUT fat is also essential for your health and should not be eliminated completely. Cut down on saturated and trans fats to reduce your energy intake but still make sure you eat reasonable amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil, avocados and avocado oil, flax seeds, nuts and seeds. Fats take longer to break down in your stomach and help control blood-sugar levels, leaving you more satisfied and reducing your cravings. Just remember; fats are dense in calories, so although coconut oil has great benefits, it can add up on a diet when you are counting calories.
When it comes to weight loss, exercise and diet should be combined for best results however, implementing some or all of these tips will ensure that whatever diet and exercise plan you follow, you’ll get the best possible results.
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
by Dinny Morris | Feb 11, 2017 | Dinnys Blog
There are lots of “rules” when it comes to exercise that are designed to ensure that you get results from your workout. For example, overload means challenging your body to adapt by doing ever more intense workouts while specificity means choosing workouts and exercises that are appropriate to your wants and needs. While each of the rules are important, and there are quite a lot of them, there is a strong case for arguing that consistency is the most important of all.
With so much information online and in magazines about exercise it can be very daunting to about what is the right way to tackle exercise, but if you lack the habit to even exercise, all the information in the world is useless unless you put it into practice and without persistence and consistency.
Lots of people spend a lot of time worrying about the little things regarding fitness. Which exercise is better – deadlifts or squats? Which food is better for fat loss – chicken or turkey? How many sets of each exercise should you do – three or five? In the grand scheme of things, none of these decisions make a blind bit of difference if you do not exercise and diet with consistency. The best diet or workout in the world won’t do a thing if you don’t actually do it! Too many workouts, programs and diets never go from the planning stage to the doing stage and so a lot of people never reach their fitness goals.
While you can argue all day about which diet is best or which workout is most effective, the important thing is to actually get off your butt and do something – and that’s what a lot of people fail at. We call it “paralysis by analysis”.
Being consistent means sticking to your diet and sticking to your workout; not just for a few days or a week or a month but until you reach your fitness goals if not forever.

Here are a few tips to help you be more consistent…
Get a baseline
What is your body fat percentage? What’ s your waist circumference. How’s your blood pressure? What should these numbers be for your gender, age and height? Knowing where you are starting from can a) scare you into action and b) show you how well your exercise program or diet are working.
Set goals
So you want to get fit, build muscle and lose fat; excellent! But, how fit do you want to be? How much muscle do you want to build or how much fat do you want to lose? Unless you can accurately answer these questions, your training and diet are likely to lack focus and a lack of focus soon leads to a lack of consistency. Decide exactly what you want and by when you want to achieve it so that you have a reason behind each and every workout and meal you eat. Working toward goals is a great way to maintain consistency.
Train with a friend
It’s all too easy to skip a workout if you are not accountable – no one else cares that you didn’t go to the gym and you can kid yourself you’ll go tomorrow. However, if you agree to meet a friend at the gym, you are much more likely to show up even if you are tempted not to go – you won’t want to let your friend down. Of course, the motivation to exercise cuts both ways and your friend is less likely to skip out on their workout too.

Make workout appointments
If you have a doctor’s appointment, I bet it’s pretty rare that you fail to go. If you need to be at the airport at a specific time to catch a flight, I’m positive you’ll be there too. Use the same strategy and make workout appointments. Treat exercise like any other engagement – be there and do it! Rather than just loosely say “I’ll exercise today”, say “I will exercise Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 4pm” and then make sure you don’t break those appointments. Guard them jealously and if anyone asks you to do something that will make you break your workout appointment just say you have something else planned already.
Prepare in advance
Life sometimes gets in the way of even the best intentions; you ran out of time in the morning and had to skip your healthy breakfast in favour of a donut or you got stuck in traffic so you were late to the gym so you missed your boot camp workout and went home to watch TV instead. These things happen to the best of us but such crisis can often be avoided by simply preparing in advance. For example, make your breakfast the night. Try preparing healthy meals and snacks in advance or packing your gym bag the night before to ensure you are properly prepared for tomorrow. One of the best ways to ensure consistency is to remove potential stumbling blocks before they happen – be proactive rather than reactive.
Have a contingency
Even the best plans sometimes go awry so make sure you have contingencies in place for when they do. If you are going to miss your evening gym session, do a lunchtime bodyweight workout instead. If the weather is bad and you don’t want to run outside, know when a suitable indoor exercise class is on and go to that instead. Too many people have an “all or nothing” mentality where they fall apart the moment they have to veer away from their normal routine and just give up when things aren’t going their way. Don’t be like that – plan for when things go wrong and you’ll never have to break from your plan! At the end of the day, any exercise is better than no exercise – even if it isn’t exactly what you wanted to do on that particular day. Have a plan A and a Plan B as back up.
Hire a trainer
If you find it hard to be consistent yourself then maybe you need to hire someone to make you be consistent – like a personal trainer. A personal trainer can help motivate you, organize your workouts, help you plan your diet and make you accountable for your actions. They won’t let you cancel your workouts at the last minute (they’ll probably charge you if you do!) and they will make sure you work hard and effectively when you are at the gym. Having a personal trainer can really help you make your efforts consistent. In the words of Anthony Robbins “if you can’t get your ass up a hill, hire someone to yell at you till you can do it for yourself!”
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Remember, the best workout in the world won’t get you anywhere unless you actually do it so make being consistent your first priority.
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
by Dinny Morris | Feb 11, 2017 | Dinnys Blog
Whether you are a bodybuilder, an athlete, or just a guy or girl wanting to look your best in short-sleeves, bigger arms are often what you need. Okay, so that might not be always true for women but most guys really want bigger arms and a few women do too!
When it comes to arm training, I often see people doing endless sets of the most unproductive exercises imaginable in pursuit of something called “the pump”. The pump is when your muscles become engorged (or pumped up) with blood and get bigger as a result. However, as cool as the pump is, it’s very short-lived.
Pumping exercises are definitely useful but should only be used to ice the cake of your main arm workout – one that should be built around more effective, demanding exercises like the ones I’m going to describe in this article.
But, before we get down to the nitty-gritty of arm training, it’s important to understand that if you want bigger arms, you MUST work the rest of your body too. Nature likes balance and training your arms in isolation of the rest of your body will significantly reduce the effectiveness of your workouts.
That’s why I always focus on exercises that work the whole of your body rather than just one or two muscles in isolation. If your squat goes up (in terms of weight lifted or reps performed) your lean bodyweight will increase too and while most of this muscle gain will be in your body, your arms will grow too.
Exercises like squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, pull-ups, bench presses and all those other great exercises trigger a big increase in anabolic or muscle building hormone levels which will have a knock on effect to the rest of your body. So, as good as the exercises are that I’m going to tell you about next, remember that you need to include them as part of a balanced, progressive, periodised programme if you want the best results.
Making up around two thirds of your upper arm mass, it is essential you work your triceps as much if not more than your biceps if you want to maximise your arm size..
Parallel bar dips
While dips are also an excellent lower chest exercise, with a few tweaks it’s possible to make this great pec builder into an even better triceps thrasher.
Grab the handles using a shoulder-width grip and hold yourself on straight arms. Try to keep your body as vertical as possible to work your triceps more and your chest less. Bend your arms and descend until your forearms and biceps touch. Push back up and repeat. If you can do more than 12-reps, add some weight by wearing a weighted vest or using a chin/dip belt. Can’t do many reps? Keep working at it! Can’t do any reps? Use an assisted dip machine or place a resistance band over the handles and kneel/stand in it. Add weight in between knees or or add via weight belt.

Close grip bench press
Don’t be afraid to go heavy on this powerlifting favourite. Grasp the bar with an overhand, slightly narrower than shoulder-width grip. Don’t do the whole thumbs touching super-narrow grip – that’s a great way to mess up your elbows and wrists. Un-rack the bar, bend your arms and lower the bar to your chest. Keep your elbows tucked in. Drive it back up and repeat. This exercise can also be performed using a neutral grip “football bar” which makes it easier on your shoulders.
Skull crushers
This exercise is so-called because, if you get it wrong, you may well end up smacking yourself in the head! Make sure you always have a spotter on hand for safety. Using a barbell, EZ bar or triceps bar, lie on your back and hold the weight directly over your chest using a shoulder-width grip. Keep your upper arms vertical and bend your elbows to lower the bar to your forehead. Extend your arms and repeat. Once you have finished your set, move straight into a set of narrow grip bench presses for an excellent triceps finisher.
If you want to get the girls you have to do the curls and as biceps are arguably the most well-known muscle in the body, it makes sense that many people want bigger biceps!
Narrow grip chin-ups
Chin-ups are known as a brilliant back builder but did you know that they are also an even better biceps exercise? Grab the bar with an underhand, less-than shoulder-width grip and hang with your arms straight. Next, bend your arms and pull your chin up and over the bar. Lower yourself slowly back down and repeat. No kicking or jerking your legs – you’ll get better results if you are strict with your form. Once you can do 12 or more reps, add some weight by strapping a dumbbell around your waist or wearing a weighted vest. If you can’t do any reps, use an assisted chin/dip machine or use the same resistance band trick I mentioned before.
Barbell power curls
Did you know you are stronger lowering a weight than when you are lifting it? Barbell power curls make the most of this phenomenon and are a great way to overload your biceps with more weight than you’d normally be able to lift. Using a barbell or EZ bar, hold the bar with an underhand grip. Keeping your chest up and lower back tightly arched, hinge forward at the hips and lower the bar down the front of your legs to around mid-thigh. Explosively stand up and use this momentum to help you curl the weight up to your shoulders. Lower the weight under control taking three or four seconds to do so and then hinge forward and repeat. Yes – this looks like a cheat curl but so long as you lower the bar under strict control, it’s not a cheat curl but a power curl and a great way to bulk up your arms. Note: If you have any lower back or shoulder issues, this exercise is probably best avoided so that you avoid making them worse or causing an injury.

Alternating incline seated dumbbell curls
Where power curls allow you to hoist heavy weights because of a bit of strategic cheating, seated dumbbell curls are super-strict. Also, by performing them in an alternating arm fashion, you can really concentrate on one arm at a time to maximize muscle activation and recruitment. Finally, setting your exercise bench to an incline means that you start each repetition from a stretched position which adds even more to this already great biceps exercise. Set your bench to a slight incline and then sit down with your dumbbells in your hands. Let your arms hang down and slightly back. Keeping one arm stationary, curl the other dumbbell up toward your shoulder – rotate your wrist so your palm is uppermost as you break 90-degrees at your elbow. Lower the weight and then do a rep on the opposite side. Continue alternating arms for the duration of your set.
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There are lots of fancy-looking arm exercises to choose from as well as numerous cable and machine exercises that promise great results with minimal effort. Guess what – they don’t live up to their promises. Instead, stick with basic but effective free weight and bodyweight exercises and, providing your diet and the rest of your training are sorted, you’ll develop the arms you always wanted.
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
by Dinny Morris | Feb 11, 2017 | Dinnys Blog
Excuses are little more than justifications we make for not doing something we know we should do. As kids, we used excuses for not doing our homework – my dog ate my homework being an all-time classic. As adults, we often use lack of time as an excuse for not exercising or eating healthily – I don’t have time to work out, I don’t have time to cook healthy meals, I don’t have time to walk instead of drive my car to work.
Time is undoubtedly a valuable commodity but to say you have no time to exercise or eat healthily is pure nonsense and if I had a dollar for every time I heard this BS excuse I’d be a multi-millionaire! It’s not lack of time that is the issue but lack of time management that prevents people from exercising and eating right. If something is important you’ll make time for it – right?

As a personal trainer, I know that going to the gym and working out can be very time consuming but getting up 30 minutes earlier, watching less TV and updating your Facebook status a little less often will soon free up a whole bunch of time. And when time is really in short supply, there are always bodyweight exercises that you can do at home whenever you have a few minutes.
Bodyweight exercises are the ultimate in excuse-free workouts. You don’t need any special equipment, you can do them just about anywhere and anytime, they take no time to set up and you can move quickly from one exercise to the next in no time flat. There are beginner, intermediate and advanced bodyweight exercises for each and every muscle group in your body; you are literally your own walking gym.
Okay, so hitting the gym and pumping iron is the more traditional and accepted way to exercise but when time is short, you can have a great workout using nothing more than your own body which is always preferential to skipping your planned workout. Twenty minutes of bodyweight exercises four or five times a week? Seriously – who hasn’t got time for that?!
You don’t have to just take my word for the effectiveness of bodyweight exercises either. Lots of athletes and organizations build their fitness regimens around these low-tech, high effect exercises. The military love ‘em, martial artists do ‘em by the truckload and gymnasts build incredible physiques using nothing more than bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises rock which is why they are a big part of my Tough Love Boot Camps.
There are lots of resources you can explore to learn more about bodyweight exercises so I won’t bother listing hundreds of different moves in this article but, needless to say, bodyweight exercises go far and beyond the good old push-up, pull-up, lunges, sit-up and squat. Instead, here are a few of my favourite bodyweight workouts for you to try yourself. Each one is short, fun and effective and the perfect solution for the next time you think you don’t have time to work out.
- Burpee heaven
Maybe I should have called the workout burpee hell because it’s actually pretty tough but, whatever I call it, you’ll get a great workout in ten-minutes flat!
The workout: Do as many reps of burpees as you can in ten minutes. Just keep grinding them out until your time is up. Make a note of how many reps you have done and do your best to beat that number the next time you do this workout. This is also an excellent finisher after a gym-based workout.
- Three minute rounds
Boxers are arguably the fittest athletes around and this workout is inspired by the length of a typical round of boxing – three minutes.
The workout: Do 30 seconds of each of the following exercises to equal three minutes. Rest one minute and then repeat. Do five laps to total 20 minutes.
- Push-ups
- Lunges
- Planks
- Squats
- Shadow boxing
- Bent knee twisting crunches

- Double ladder workout
A workout that only involves two exercises? How hard can that be? Answer; pretty damn hard actually!
The workout: Just work from the top of this list to the bottom doing the specified number of reps of each exercise. Each ladder “rung” should add up to 21 reps. Tick off each rung as you complete it so you don’t end up repeating yourself. If a ladder of 20 to 1 reps is a bit daunting, start at 15 or even 10 reps.
Press ups |
Squats |
20 |
1 |
19 |
2 |
18 |
3 |
17 |
4 |
16 |
5 |
15 |
6 |
14 |
7 |
13 |
8 |
12 |
9 |
11 |
10 |
10 |
11 |
9 |
12 |
8 |
13 |
7 |
14 |
6 |
15 |
5 |
16 |
4 |
17 |
3 |
18 |
2 |
19 |
1 |
20 |
Bodyweight workouts mean you can train anywhere, anytime – even at home, at work or when you are traveling. Add some resistance bands and a jump rope and you have everything you need to create an endless number of low-tech workouts. Bodyweight workouts aren’t meant to REPLACE your gym workouts but are an ideal supplement between gym workouts or when time is short and you genuinely believe you don’t have time to exercise. Now stop making excuses and go and train!
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
One of the best offers we could get for it was on Buy Adipex .
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.