Are you finding it hard to stay motivated to exercise, eat right and lose weight? If so, you are not alone. A lot of exercisers and dieters suffer from occasional or even permanent lapses in motivation. Without sufficient motivation, you are very unlikely to reach your fitness or weight generic tramadol online loss targets so here are TEN benefits to losing weight and getting fit – just to remind you of why getting in shape is such a damn good idea!
- More energy
If you are 20kg overweight, that’s 20kg of dead weight you have to lug around every minute of the day. That has got to be exhausting! To get a better idea of how your excess weight is effecting you, work out your ideal weight and put the difference between that and your current weight in a backpack and wear it for a few hours. Imagine how much easier virtually every one of your daily tasks will become without that weight dragging you down!
- Better health
Excess body fat can have a negative effect on virtually every aspect of your health from your blood pressure to elevating your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke to increased risk of cancer. Being significantly overweight can slash years off your potential lifespan and can severely compromise your quality of life too. Losing weight will have a huge impact on not only how you look but your overall health too.
- Less back, knee and hip pain
Remember that 20kg of excess weight that is slowing you down and making you tired? It’s also hammering your knees, hips and back too. All that additional compressive force increases your risk of suffering joint pain which can, if ignored, develop into crippling arthritis. Losing weight is a very effective back pain intervention as belly weight really does a number on your lower back and general posture.
- Better sleep
Large amounts of fat in your chest and abdominal cavity can adversely affect your sleep leading to deep-seated fatigue, headaches and stress. The fat presses down on your internal organs, especially your lungs as well as your throat, and that can actually interrupt your breathing – something called sleep apnea. At best, this makes you snore and will wake you up every few minutes. At worst, it could actually kill you in your sleep. Losing weight will prevent both!
- More money
Being overweight, as previously discussed, affects your health and poor health can cost you money. Days off work, lack of productivity, medical bills, specialized beds and furniture, oversized clothes and, of course, a big food bill can all place a strain on your financial resources. Losing weight is good for your body and your bank balance – who knew!
- More sex!
Slim, healthy people get more sex – it’s a fact! Being slim enhances not only your appearance but also helps normalise your hormone levels – the very same hormones that control your sexual desire and performance. Overweight couples often experience difficulty becoming pregnant and losing weight can significantly improve the chances of conception which is why weight loss and exercise are often prescribed to couples by fertility doctors.
- Increased self-confidence and improved self-image
Slim, healthy people generally have greater self-confidence and a better self-image, especially when compared to their former overweight selves. This has a lot to do with appearance but is also because, having lost weight, you will have demonstrated to yourself that you can overcome challenges if you put your mind to it. Losing weight can be very empowering and, for many, signals the start of a new, more rewarding, phase of life.
- More fashion choices
Many modern fashions are simply out of the question for very overweight people – skinny-fit jeans being a classic example. If you want to be able to choose what to wear instead of being limited to just what fits, you need to get your weight down to within healthy parameters.
- Better complexion
The causes of being overweight inevitably includes poor food choices such as candy, cola, cookies, cake and processed foods. In addition to making you fat, these foods are also devoid of any meaningful nutrients and can have an adverse effect on your complexion and even your hair. Eating a diet high in essential vitamins and minerals but low in sugar and refined or artificial ingredients can make skin breakouts and rashes a thing of the past and leave you with a beautifully clear complexion.
- More happiness
Are you happy with your current weight and lack of fitness? Truly happy? Like most overweight people, I strongly expect you’ll feel much better about virtually every aspect of your life after you have started to lose weight and improve your fitness. Everything from your energy levels to your outlook on life will be better once you shed those unwanted kilos, establish some better habits and get a grip on your health. Being overweight is hard on your health, your back, your knees, your ability to sleep, your mobility…in fact, being overweight affects every single aspect of your life. You KNOW you’ll be happier if you lose weight and get fit so stop procrastinating and get to it!
If you don’t change now, now will become never.
There are dozens of benefits to losing weight and get getting fit but, ultimately, you need to choose to take action. Spend time thinking about all the things you are missing out on by being overweight and unfit and then, maybe, you’ll come to realize that eating a little less and doing some exercise is really no big thing and that the rewards will make your efforts thoroughly worthwhile.
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Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.

Hi, my name is Dinny Morris. I’m a personal trainer and in sunny Sydney, Australia.
I work with men and women at all levels of their physical development, from overweight couch potatoes who want to get in shape, to professional athletes and natural bodybuilders who want to beef up strength and body mass.